Dharana Sanctuary – Yoga Solutions

Find your balance – your centre – your true self.
Transform your world with yoga.

Many of us who do yoga yearn for more than just physical benefits, but how can simply stretching our hamstrings, lengthening our spines or breathing through one nostril transform our lives and even our planet? Dharana Sanctuary soul yoga seek to do just that.

Regular focused Soul Yoga asana and breathework encourages us to become more conscious.. more aware… not just of our physical bodies but our emotional, mental and spiritual bodies as well.

Awareness of the self brings greater clarity, insight and purpose and an ability to handle life’s many challenges with grace.

As a result we become more successful, healthy, creative and peaceful in all areas of our lives and in that presence we inspire and encourage the best in those around us.


As a scholar of respected teachers in India, America and Australia, Albert Hennink – Director of Dharana Santuary – has enlightened others with his unique and powerful yoga instruction and philosophy for 40 years.

Dedicated to the awakening of spiritual intelligence and inner awareness, he established a popular yoga and natural therapy college and has trained many yoga teachers. Albert has also facilitated numerous yoga and personal growth workshops and Training Courses.

At the Dharana Sanctuary, Albert integrates his diverse capacity for healing in private consultations. Utilizing Soul Yoga and Yoga Therapy in conjunction with other dynamic modalities such as Wholistic Counselling, Kinesiology and Hypertone Muscle Correction; Albert has extensive success in transforming the lives of people experiencing various states of physical and emotional imbalance.

A personal ideology to live and teach in accordance with the ancient laws of nature and principles of yoga, have afforded him the ability to nurture and instill well-being in others.

“When the restlessness of mind, intellect and self is stilled through the practice of Yoga, the yogi by the grace of Spirit within himself finds fulfilment”

Bhagavad Gita

Classes @ Crafters Hall (Main Rd, Crafters)
Ph 08 8370 9564. Mob 0400 015 644
Email :

Monday | Wednesday | Friday | Saturday

Beginners to advanced, private tuition & intensive workshops

Dharana Sanctuary Soul Yoga seeks to enlighten students with an unique practice.

  • Increased energy & vitality
    muscular skeletal alignment

  • Balance & core strength
  • Awakening to soul
  • Physical/ mental/ emotional/ spiritual awareness & union
  • Pranic & light movement in asana
  • Clarity of mind & everyday contentment
  • Specialized breathwork & meditation
  • Yoga Philosophy
  • Intensive workshops, yoga teacher training, individual tuition and individual healing consultations to enhance & accelerate personal growth process

Find your Balance… Your Centre… Your True Self…

Beginners Yoga Classes

Introducing: Yoga postures, relaxation, yogic breathing, yoga philosophy


builds physical strength, endurance, flexibility, releases mental and emotional stress, creates peace of mind and heart, promotes relaxation, improves general health and wellbeing


Bookings & Enquiries

Albert Hennink
Phone 07 8370 9564

Crafers Hall ( Main Road)

Adelaide Hills near Stirling.